Well, here are some pictures of the baby at one year, (with the cake), another one year party, (with the bag) and driving the truck. Hopefully there are some of her Easter at both grandparents. Hope I did it right. I'm still learning and trying to figure things out.
February is a really busy month for our family. My birthday is the 3rd , my uncle's is the third, Kent's is the 6th, Liz's niece is the 6th, her nephews is the 16th, my Mom's is the 15th and her Dad's is the 19th!!!! Crazy. Then there's Valentine's Day thrown in, the wonderful holiday made by and for candy makers. Plus the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. It's a busy month. But it's fun. We found out that we're having a baby boy, but don't have any names yet. Erin, Liz's sister, is still set on us having all girls. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!