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Moving Forward...

O.K, just so you all know, B.J. is much better at this than I am so I apologize in advance if this gets a little boring! There have been a lot of things going on in the Redford household over the past few months. Brent has been working hard trying to go full time with WFG, we both are looking forward to that taking off very soon! I am so lucky to be married to such an amazing person, he is my best friend and couldn't' ask for anything better! Being a mom is a blast; Brinley is getting smarter everyday. I catch myself with my mouth hanging open at some of the things she says. She is such a little person I love it! Wyatt is getting so big! I cant believe its already been two and a half months since he joined our family. He's getting better with not being so fussy and is turning into a happy baby :) He pretty much sleeps through the night~ something Brent and I are VERY grateful for!

Well that about sums everything up for now, over and out!


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