Have you ever been in a place where everything seems to be against you, but you don't feel pressured or scared because the Lord knows you and what you need? Have you ever found you can endure more than you thought or when you stopped to think about something, it really wasn't that big a deal? I have finally, after 7 LONG years at the same horrible place, freed myself and burned the bridges of captivity. Liz is going to be starting work as a nail instructor, our kids are healthy and growing. Everything now feels right. As bad as life gets sometimes, there is never enough bad that can justify a loss of faith in God. "Armies may assemble, calumny may defame..." He is always there for us, and we need to "Become as a little child...willing to submit to whatsoever the Lord sees fit to inflict upon him." Just because life can get VERY hard and frustrating doesn't mean we have permission to give up and stop what we're doing. I learned an interesting lesson today. With so much confusion in the world, we sometimes forget what we have. I learned that a child really does see things as they really are. If you tell my little Brinley that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one person, she doesn't believe you because it just can't be that way. If you tell her to hold her horses, she'll tell you she doesn't have any horses to hold. There is no way a child can go on without someone watching over them. We are the same, no matter how successful we are or how riddled with poor luck we seem to be, we cannot go on without someone watching over us. It's just not possible. I've also learned that principles are true no matter what time it is, where you are, or who around you knows about them or is living them. There should never be any reason to question what is right or wrong, because it's already been answered over and over. We are governed by inborn morals that drive us to do some things, while most morals we need to learn, decide we believe, then stand by them. There is no turning from truth with indifference. Sorry if this seems like rambling. I'll cut it off. But just know and remember that truths are eternal. Period.