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Why do we never get an answer?

     One of the most important things in life is doing what you think you should be doing.  It's also one of the hardest things to learn.  When you think that you've done all you can, you find that you still have  good way to go.  Or you find that all you've done has been for the benefit of someone who needed you when you were there, and you don't realize what you've done before it's too late to thank them for allowing you the opportunity to help.  In life there are two choices that ultimately decide the direction you go for a little while.  You can choose to go by what will keep you in your comfortable bubble with the illusion of safety, or you can choose to take a chance on something with no guarantees and break that bubble, risking the safety you imagine is yours.  Either way, you reap what you sow.  You either end up with what you thought you always wanted, mediocrity and the thrill of being average and ordinary, or the satisfaction of knowing that you actually helped form the person you've become because you decided that what everyone else says and what they lovingly try and "protect" you from was  your choice to make still. 
      No matter what road you choose, you will have hard times and opportunities for growth, but that, too, is your choice.  Nobody's life is perfect, no matter how you look at it.  But we can all find a small level of God's perfection in our everyday lives through the little choices we make.  Stay at home, watch t.v., play your games and stay in your safety zone, never affecting others, good or bad.  Or step outside yourself and help someone do something.  Maybe even better yet, do something for someone without them knowing.  Either way the perfection of the Savior will be manifest in your action, no matter how small.  Smile and say, "Hi" to someone at the store.  Wave to a stranger walking down the street.  Be nice to the telemarketer that interrupts your dinner, (remember, they aren't psychic), pick up your clothes without being told, tell someone you care about them.  It doesn't matter in the slightest if you pat someone on the back and tell them they did a great job after they think they failed, or give someone a million dollars.  If they are performed with full purpose of heart and not thought for self, you will be extremely rewarded. 
     On another note, our lives keep turning and not always in the direction we have seen or wanted.  I'm gonna be taking some classes soon, possibly joining the Air Force Reserve.  Liz will maybe get some more work.  And overall, things are okay. There are a few things trying our patience now, but in the long run, none of those things matter.  What does matter is what good we have done in the bad he have been in.  There is always someone worse off and there is always something we can do to help and improve.  Sorry if this seems like rambling, but sometimes you just have to.  Things to say with not much in common, but hopefully some help for someone in the field of maddening words.  Never, never, never, never give up.
     "My son (or daughter), peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; an then, if thou endure it well, God shal lexalt thee on high; thous shalt triumph over all thy foes.  They friends do stad by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."  D&C 121:7-9
     We're all in this together, remember that the next time you want to get mad at someone for driving insane, or somebody does something you think is a big deal to get mad at.  They have to deal with you and me, too.  Keep it real!


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