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It's Been 2 Years...

Well, I certainly let that get away from me...
     So, in the last 2 years we've done quite a bit.  First off, we bought a little house across the freeway and moved in on Christmas Eve 2011.  Then my parents moved up to Plain City.  Brinley started kindergarten last year and is in first grade this year.  I lost my job, then got another job, then got my job back.  We are having a baby girl in October.  Wyatt turned 4.  I also started school this year.  Finally, huh?  It's about time.       Life has a funny way of keeping you sober, doesn't it?  Not only has all of that happened in the last couple years, but Grandma Cheever passed away last August, my Aunt Karen passed away just before Thanksgiving, and Grandpa Redford passed away in July.  Yet the world still turns.  I went to Scout Camp last year and this year to help some boys become men.  Hopefully they will.
     One of my new goals is to update this more often.  Even if not many people want to read what I have to say, it will still be here kind of like a journal for future internet wanderers.  I can't remember if I've mentioned this in past posts, but I have decided there are really only two things we HAVE to do in life, and one of them isn't pay taxes.  No matter what happens in this life we all have to die, and probably more importantly we all have to choose.  Everything we do or experience involves choice.  Some people tell me, "Well, what about breathing, we have to do that."  I tell them, "Nope, you choose to let your body do what it was made to do.  If you choose not to breathe, then you simply are choosing to die."
     Those of you that know me know that my religious views are a big factor in my life in every aspect.  I think that's how it's supposed to be, otherwise what's the point?  So in choosing, we also must be willing (eventually) to accept the consequences of those choices, good or bad.  In the world today there is so much about choice being taken with abortion laws, sames-sex marriage, civil rights.  I agree the government is too big and too powerful, but what people don't want to do is accept the results of those choices.  As far as abortion goes in my mind if it's a girl that just doesn't want a baby, she made her choice already.
     As far as other "freedom" issues, the only reason they're still issues is because people won't leave them alone.  If people want racism to really die, then stop talking about racism.  Those who claim to be victims are some of the worst contributors.  We're all people.  If someone isn't hurting someone else, leave them alone.  Do I agree with some of the prevailing stances on morality and sexuality?  Not at all.  But if people are allowed to choose their path, in the end they'll be the only ones to hold accountable before God, and I'm fine with that.  I'll fight to preserve my ideals that I know to be right til the end.  But I won't take others agency away.  
     I hope this has made sense.


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