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Combining science and religion? Why not...

     I just wanted to jot down a few thoughts I've been having.  With all the cool things happening with medicine, Mars, space, and other scientific breakthroughs there's one thing that always amuses me:  people assume that science and religion can't exist together.
     As a member of the LDS church I have been taught and believe that we are not the only living things in the universe.  Scientifically speaking it can't be possible, either.  With the billions of stars and planets, especially all those in the "hospitable zone", there is no chance we are the only life.  It's ridiculous to think that.
     Another issue I have is that people think things are random.  Why couldn't a being that is supreme use science to create or put things together?  Why can't God use science?  The laws of the universe are His laws.  He is a God of science.  He doesn't do magic, he uses the principles of chemistry, physics, geology, and others to make things possible.  Even the amazing things that are testified to such as healing, weather changes, and things happening at the right time are all done through science.  Are they still miraculous?  Absolutely.  How many stories are there of things happening in the medical world or the physical earth that never should have happened, where the "experts" can't find an explanation?  It's not just coincidence that these things happen.
     When people argue creation vs. evolution, random things happening to create the universe vs. intelligent design, why can't there be elements of both?  Why couldn't God have used the Big Bang to create things or to spread matter?  The things I find most funny are the ones that are presented with evidence that there is no such thing as God.  Those are the things that most prove there is a God.  Without order and direction, how could something like an atom operate the way it does?  How could substances work?  How could things be?  To just say, "Well,  eventually it just happened," is ludicrous.  But so is saying that things were created by a supreme being from nothing.  I firmly believe, based on what I know through my chosen religion and what I've learned from amazing people who are way smarter than me, that there can be separation of God and science.  I hope someday we can all understand that.
     The scriptures prove many things about science and science proves many things about the scriptures.  One of the most well known is that Noah did in fact build an ark and there was a flood.  Sure there are things that seem to discredit each other:  the Bible says 1 day is 1000 years so many religions believe the earth is only 4-6000 years old when science has shown otherwise.  But with increased revelation and spiritual learning we know that to create the world, there were several broken planets, elements in space, and other things used that had existed for thousands or millions of years before the creation of the earth.
     So the next time you feel like arguing with someone about science vs. religion, remember that you can't have one without the other.  We're all children of God, we're given knowledge for a reason.  Let's not waste it on arguing, but use it for teaching.


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